Day 3

16 July 2019

Foto 2

The third day of artistic colony continued in the Park of Marash. The professor from the Art Academy Mr. Hajrush Fazliu and the artist Mr.Fehmi Hoxha visited the colony and gave comments for every artist???s work. The professor was very satisfied with their work and congratulated the organization of the colony.

After the work they continued to visit religious sites: Sinan Pasha Mosque, Catholic & Orthodox Churches, and they saw from inside these religious sites. It was a pleasure for them to be part of the group in this colony.

Today, we are continuing with the final day in the castle of the city & at the end of the day the colony will be closed.

Tomorrow, the exhibition will be opened and the citizens will have the chance to see the work of each artist during this colony.

This project is supported by Ministry of Culture, Youth & Sport.



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