Clean environment - responsibility for all

07 February 2020

The environment we live in is of particular importance to everyone as it has a direct impact on public health. It is the responsibility of each citizen to contribute to the preservation of the environment in which they live in order to promote a healthy society that properly manages waste and preserves public spaces.
Although waste collection service is provided for each citizen, inappropriate waste disposal remains as a negative phenomenon that creates an ugly picture of the environment and the city in general.
Children are the basis of development and they are most exposed to the actions of adults. They follow those actions of adults practicing and harming the environment. These adapted actions of children become socially acceptable norms. 
ECD begins with public awareness activities targeting the elementary school pupils of the Municipality of Prizren in order to share information on environmental protection and public health. 
These activities are carried out in cooperation with the Directorate of Education and Science and with the support of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).




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