Our Municipality ??? Our Home

14 October 2019


Disposal of waste is a sign of a society that expresses a lack of care for nature and loss of responsibility for the public property. These actions represent the loss of materials that would have been reused or recycled.

Thus, the project "Our Municipality-Our Home" funded by European Union Kosovo and supported by Balkan Green Foundation and INDEP aims to tackle this phenomenon through environmental education in primary schools, making children part of the efforts to achieve public awareness of the society and the importance of a clean environment.

Creative activities with pupils aim for their active involvement in solving these problems, which later subsequently become obstacles for them.

Five schools in the Prizren region are part of this project, namely pupils from second to fifth grade. The reason for choosing these age groups is to create an ecological group in each of these schools. These groups are expected to be active in the school with environmental activities to raise awareness on the importance of a clean environment.




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