ECD continues with information campaigns and trainings at the University of Prizren
13 October 2017
For the second time, ECD staff directly informed the students of the University of Prizren about career development training. With this information campaign, they had the opportunity to be informed more clearly and in detail about the trainings through the leaflets and a transparent presentation.
Also, at this university was held a career development training with participants from the student parliamentary ranks. Participants from this level emphasized that preparing for the labor market is the first step towards the proper development of a prosperous career, giving the deserved value of the CV, motivation letter and behavior in a job interview, specifications that decide on the profit of a job.
Ilir Krasniqi, Chairperson of the Student Parliament
"The training focused on the formulation of a CV, writing a letter of motivation and preparing for a job interview. This training I believe has provided us with sufficient and useful information for our future as students, after completing the studies we will be ready and prepared for any position in the respective field. The lecturer was direct, understandable, has provided extensive explanations on the CV and motivational letter. This training will be very beneficial for us in the future.
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