ECD initiated the career development training project

09 September 2017

04. ECD initiated the career development training project

On Saturday, September 9, 2017, ECD organized the first Career Development Training in Prizren. This project is implemented in the Prizren region, which includes the municipalities of Suhareka, Dragash, Rahovec, Malishevë and Mamusha.

The composition of this group of beneficiaries has been various and interesting. Participants were students, high school students and graduates. All of them expressed their interest in getting getting the new knowledge that this training offers such as interviewing techniques, CV preparation, motivation letter and other details related to online application on different job related sites.

Participants also learned about contemporary job application methods used in Kosovo and EU job markets, such as the EUROPASS application (general CV).

At the end of this session a job interview was simulated. Participants shared roles in job applicants and employers. This new experience was aiming to bring close feelings to what a front panel candidate looks like.

If you want to benefit from the next training then register at



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