ECD organized the training with the professors of the Competence Centre of Prizren

23 September 2017

ECD organized the training with the professors of the Competence Centre of Prizren

ECD in cooperation with Competence Center - Prizren organized the training for the staff in order to transfer knowledge about career development further.

"The Competence Center in Prizren appreciates for the co-operation of ECD and the project.

We consider that this training will be a good experience for all participating staff in our school. This training, as it is provided free of charge, will be very useful for young people who are unemployed or those who are applying for a job. We wish you Success! "Said Mr. Luan Sopi, Deputy / Director of Quality Assurance.

In this "Training for Trainers" attended 30 lecturers of the Competence Center Prizren who emphasized that with the knowledge gained today they will strengthen and meet the needs of the beneficiary students of this center.

Training is ongoing, join



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