“Jeta e Re” dhe “Skender Luarasi” two of the high schools beneficiary of training
08 November 2017
ECD in cooperation with Gymnasium"Jeta e Re" and Technical High School "SkenderLuarasi" in Suharekë continued the following trainings with students of these schools from different department. Training participants were generally briefed on how to apply for a job and arrange the necessary documentation which is needed for the application, such as CV, motivation letter, and proper behavior in a job interview, information that is massssupport to the returnees.
I am Edi Bytyqi, born in Sonthofer, Germany. I lived there for about 2 years. The fact that I was born in Germany is that my parent lived there. At that time we returned to Kosovo, to other family members hoping for a better life in post-war Kosovo. This training has given me a very good impression as we have learned important information related to the job market. Considering that employment is very important for a better life.
I am Bernard Lumi, student of the department: Installer of heating and air conditioning. "I was very impressed by this training and I think it has helped me greatly in formulating my CV in regard to my profession. Now I am confident I am better prepared for applying to the job market".
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