Round table for the Career Development Project

16 September 2017

Round table for the Career Development Project

Today, NGO Environment & Community Development has prepared a presentation for the officials of relevant institutions in the Prizren region.

This project is implemented in the Prizren region and aims to support the youth, repatriated persons and all communities for an easy access to the job market.

The meeting was attended by the Vice Pro Rectors of the University "Ukshin Hoti" Prizren, the Education Inspectorate, the Competence Center - Prizren and the Vocational Training Center.

The participants expressed their support for the successful implementation of the objectives of this training. "I hope you will realize this project according to the implementation plan as presented to us today. You will have continuous support for the involvement of all communities studying at UPZ". Sadik Idrizi, Prorektor, University "Ukshin Hoti" Prizren.

"We make the youth aware of how to approach to a job application - this is what our youth need, so besides the knowledge that candidates have, they should have the courage to express those in job interviews -Aliismet ??oçaj, Director of Competence Center ??? Prizren.

Environment & Community Development project staff appreciates for the support of relavant institutions and encourages the youth of the Prizren region to take advantage of this training.

The project will last only 3 months.



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