About us

The non-governmental organization "Environment & Youth Capacity Development" (EYCD), was founded in February, 2021 and is active in the implementation of relevant projects.

The organization's vision is to contribute to the field of education, preparation and facilitating access to the labor market and support for marginalized communities. Consequently, EYCD through training on the one hand and identifying the needs of businesses on the other hand aims to create relationships and facilitate connections between job seekers and employers. The organization also contributes to the protection of the environment and the promotion of tourism in Kosovo.

The organization consists of a group of professionals with considerable expertise in the field of Human Resources and other areas related to the Environment, a fact that facilitates the contribution in the right way through trainings, sharing/exchange of experiences and other activities until the realization of the goals. Also, the organization has contractual relations with external experts who engage in relevant projects.

The leaders and trainers of the organization are qualified in the aforementioned fields and have a considerable number of experiences with international organizations such as: the United Nations, the European Union, Projects implemented by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) and other NGOs.


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