
Our goal is to offer specific training to all communities in Kosovo to help them acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to integrate into our society, pursue their ambitions and increase the awareness of the surrounding environment.

Our training are accessible to all the citizens of Kosovo with the priority to the communities that are marginalised, do not have the necessary means to pursue their ambitions and are not aware of waste management and its impact on public health.

We believe that everybody should have their opportunities. 

???Jeta e Re??? dhe ???Skender Luarasi??? two of the high schools beneficiary of training

ECD in cooperation with Gymnasium"Jeta e Re" and Technical High School "SkenderLuarasi" in Suharekë continued the following trainings with students of these schools from different department


Three different languages trainings organized by ECD

ECD organized three career development training courses in three different languages; Albanian, Turkish and Bosnian languages, two of those held at the..


ECD continues trainings with the students of Medicine School ???Luciano Motroni??? - Prizren

High school students of medicine school "Luciano Motroni" Prizren, respectively from the pharmacy department.


ECD continued the trainings with the students of Prizren University

Today, at the University of Prizren, was organized Career Development Training, the participants in the training were students with various background experiences...


The students of Gymnasium ???Gjon Buzuku??? attended the training organized by ECD

Training participants emphasized that the information received during the training enriched their knowledge, especially in...


ECD organized training with a Turkish NGO ???ILKEM??? in Prizren

In cooperation with NGO ILKEM , ECD organized a career development training with participants from the Turkish community


ECD continues with information campaigns and trainings at the University of Prizren

For the second time, ECD staff directly informed the students of the University of Prizren about career development training...


The director of Gymnasium ???Ruzhdi Berisha??? ??? Dragash, highly evaluated the ECD training

The Cooperation between High School the Sh.M. "Ruzhdi Berisha" Dragash with ECD NGO, based in Prizren, proved to be successful in...


High Technical School ???11 Marsi??? one of beneficiary schools

The hightechnical school "11 Mars" -Prizrenwas also interested in career development training, In co-operation with this school, ECD organized trainings with...


ECD continues with trainings in three locations at the same time

With the growth of interested, ECD organized trainings in three different locations...


Trainings are ongoing at the University of Prizren ???Ukshin Hoti???

Taking into account the demand of the students, today ECD continued with the career development training at the University of Prizren...


Career Development trainings in Prizren

I am Leunora Karavidaj, born in Berlin, Germany. My family decided to build our future here in Kosovo and voluntarily returned from Germany



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