
Our goal is to offer specific training to all communities in Kosovo to help them acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to integrate into our society, pursue their ambitions and increase the awareness of the surrounding environment.

Our training are accessible to all the citizens of Kosovo with the priority to the communities that are marginalised, do not have the necessary means to pursue their ambitions and are not aware of waste management and its impact on public health.

We believe that everybody should have their opportunities. 

In Prizren for the first time it is promoted the open library!

ECD in cooperation with Prizren University installed the open library at the University Campus...


The Community Police form the Police Station in Prizren today visited ECD volunteers

The Community Police form the Police Station in Prizren today visited ECD volunteers. Together they discussed for the activities they are doing. Kosovo Police pledged in support of all activities


ECDs??? volunteer corner every day is growing

Xhenet Gurizi and Idila Shporta are two new volunteers that joined volunteer corner and they are ready to contribute in the activities in the following days


We donated them; they will grow!

Blerim, is one of ECD volunteers that is the first who gave his hair for the people with cancer...


ECD launched EUROPASS in Albanian language!

In ECDs??? web you can create your account and sign in any time you want...


Abdullahu is certified from Competencies Passport

Competencies Passport enabled me to learn important and interesting things about myself.


Shenoll is certified form Competencies Passport

???During the counselling of Competencies Passport, I had the chance to share my life experiences.


ECD is continuing with Career Development trainings

Participants discussed how to fulfill a CV in EUROPASS format and a motivational letter...


Sabina Berisha, has completed Competencies Passport

???When you hear the name Competencies Passport, it appears as to travel somewhere, but this instrument is a passport towards...


Next certified from Competencies Passport Mellinda Haliti

???Competencies Passport is a must for all who aim a successful career!??? ??? says Mellinda.



Access to your europass account