<a href="https://eycd.net/en/Environment/second-activity-with-beneficiary-schools-"></a> <a href="https://eycd.net/en/Environment/clean-environment-responsibility-for-all"></a> <a href="https://eycd.net/en/Environment/activities-komuna-jone-shtepia-jone-in-vermica"></a>

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Clean environment - responsibility for all

Children are the basis of development and they are most exposed to the actions of adults.


Abdullahu is certified from Competencies Passport

Competencies Passport enabled me to learn important and interesting things about myself.


Shenoll is certified form Competencies Passport

???During the counselling of Competencies Passport, I had the chance to share my life experiences.


Sabina Berisha, has completed Competencies Passport

???When you hear the name Competencies Passport, it appears as to travel somewhere, but this instrument is a passport towards...


Activities Komuna jonë Shtëpia jonë in Vërmica

Activities of project Komuna jonë - Shtëpia jonë, in “Heronjët e Lumës” school in Vërmica. Students of this school had the opportunity...


Next certified from Competencies Passport Mellinda Haliti

???Competencies Passport is a must for all who aim a successful career!??? ??? says Mellinda.




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