???Arti???ton??? Exhibition

18 July 2019

2. Ekspozita ???Arti???ton???

After a three day work of artists today we arrived at the day when all the work was exhibited to share with all the guests. Institutional officials, professors and citizens came to see the work done by the artists of the art colony.

During the exhibition, the artists shared their experiences in this colony, stressing the importance of such collaboration in achieving goals of this cause.

This colony would not be so successful if it had no clear purpose, such as ECD's mission of empowering and supporting young people.

ECD aims to provide the conditions and opportunities for the creation of an artistic space where young people can come and express their talents by selling these works.

Without everyone's input this would not have been possible! ECD volunteers have made this event magnificent and brought it to life.

Together we can do much for our society.



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