ECD launched EUROPASS in Albanian language!

15 June 2019


In ECDs’ web you can create your account and sign in any time you want. In your account, you can fill a CV and a motivational letter in Europass format in Albanian language.

You can fill in your data that will be saved, and then you can update them whenever you have something new to add.

ECD volunteers are the first who filled in this format of Europass.

To fill in your CV and motivational letter together, you can visit in our office, joining the campaign “Open OFFICE” - for all who are interested for Europass format, every work day from 11:00-15:00.

The office is in William Walker St, NN, near Pena bookshop, at City’s Park and Marlin Barleti (Doku Kino).




ProfilPASS - Deutschland


ProfilPASS - Kosovo


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Access to your europass account