ECD trainings with students from the University of Prizren and participants from the Bosnian community

25 November 2017

ECD trajnime me studentë të Universitetit të Prizrenit dhe me pjesëmarrës nga komuniteti boshnjak

ECD organized two training sessions on Career Development, participants were students from the Bosnian community -University of Prizren.

At the University of Prizren today was held the next "Career Development" training with students from different fields of education. During the exchange of experiences they provided up to date information on the job market. Positive career development discussions promote the effective way to gain professional knowledge. As the application for a job position requires planning and experience, the students were prepared in this regard by improving their knowledge, formulation of the CV and motivation letter, as well as the interview process.

In the Career Development Training held today at the restaurant "Marashi" participants were from the Bosnian community students, who were mostly at the end of studies and in search for a job. Active participation in the discussion and sharing of previous experiences from attendees contributed to a continuous interaction throughout the training.

This project is supported by GIZ / DIMAK Kosovo and implemented in the Prizren region.

I am EldinSaiti, a student at the University of Prishtina, UBT - Higher Education Institution, Computer Science and Engineering. The idea of this seminar is useful because it gives participants new opportunities in applying for a job, training and knowing exactly how to behave during the interview, formulation of CV and motivation letter. It would have been appreciative that this type of seminars continue in other fields as well.




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