
Our goal is to offer specific training to all communities in Kosovo to help them acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to integrate into our society, pursue their ambitions and increase the awareness of the surrounding environment.

Our training are accessible to all the citizens of Kosovo with the priority to the communities that are marginalised, do not have the necessary means to pursue their ambitions and are not aware of waste management and its impact on public health.

We believe that everybody should have their opportunities. 

Erlinda Ahmetaj a success story

Erlinda Ahmetaj, now employed as an governess at the school "Dëshmorët e Kabashit" - Korishë: "Immediately after attending the training facilitated by ECD . I have applied for a job...


Getoar, one of the training beneficiaries

Getoar Elshani:

"I can freely say that the training was of great importance to me, as I have received important information on how to formulate a motivational letter, what comes next..


ECD training with Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities

In the Career Development Training held today with participants from Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities, CV formulation, motivation letter and the behavior during a job interview were discussed.


Career Development Training with students from the University of Prizren

In today's Career Development Training held at the University of Prizren "Ukshin Hoti", participants were students from different directions, who were mostly on the verge of graduation.


ECD trainings with students from the University of Prizren and participants from the Bosnian community

ECD organized two training sessions on Career Development, participants were students from the Bosnian community -University of Prizren.


The next training with students of the University of Prizren

Participants in today's Career Development Training were students from different directions of "University of Prizren" - "UkshinHoti" in Prizren.


Attendees from Professional Law and Criminology Courses, Benefited from Career Development Training

In the "Career Development" training, the participants were from professional Legal and Criminal Studies. Attendees exchanged their previous experiences in regard to the application and employment processes



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